CQInsights Managing Partner Launches New Blog

Bruce Ramshaw, Managing Partner of CQInsights, has officially launched a new website and blog. This site promotes Dr. Ramshaw’s brand as a world expert surgeon, and also his venture spreading the word about applying Systems Science to our global healthcare system.

Dr. Ramshaw practiced as a surgeon for 25 years, mostly as a hernia specialist, and applies data science to healthcare as one of our managing partners. He is an author with upcoming articles in General Surgery News and OR Management News, while currently working with his literary agent to secure a publisher for his first book. Written for the general public, Finding the W(H)ole in Healthcare brings to light the mindset shift so desperately needed in the healthcare industry.

His Transforming Healthcare blog features posts explaining Systems Science and the need for a system-wide paradigm shift in order to finally make healthcare sustainable.

To read Dr. Ramshaw’s blog, visit his website.